New Supplier: JF McKenna announce partnership with COMPO EXPERT

“We are delighted to announce this new supplier partnership with COMPO EXPERT - who are suppliers of specialist fertilisers”


In August 2019, JF McKenna announced a new supplier parternership with COMPO EXPERT to provide their specialist fertilisers in Ireland. COMPO EXPERT, with its broad range of high-quality, innovative special fertilisers, is leader in the areas of broad acre crops, vegetables, fruits and vines, nursery & ornamentals, turf & public green, landscaping and forestry.

COMPO EXPERT is an international company with locations in Europe, North and South America as well as Asia and South Africa. We produce and market special fertilizers and biostimulants for all areas of plant production and care.

The COMPO EXPERT product range includes:

  • NPK special mineral fertilizer: Blaukorn (low in chloride)

  • Fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor (DMPP): NovaTec

  • Slow-release fertilizer based on ISODUR & CROTODUR: Floranid Twin

  • Partly-coated slow-release fertilizers: DuraTec and Basatop

  • Coated slow-release fertilizer: Basacote

  • Nutrient salts: Hakaphos and NovaTec Solub

  • Liquid fertilizers, for example Basfoliar and Vitanica

  • Trace element fertilizers, for example Fetrilon

Click Here to See more information on these products, or contact us for more details and pricing.

JF McKenna Ltd

JF McKenna are industry leaders in the supply of equipment and services to the Poultry, Pig, Mushroom and Horticultural industries worldwide. We are principal agents for many leading industry brands including Fancom, Chore-Time, Hato, Lubing and Collinson.

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